Terms and Conditions
Koson Battle Game, registered in Madrid, Spain and provides the online service Koson Battle, which can be accessed on webpage www.koson-battle.com
1.General data
1.1 The terms and conditions are applicable for all service users, including the users who contribute with video materials, information or other material and services on the website. This website may contain links to other websites, which are not under the ownership or the control of the ADMINISTRATOR. The ADMINISTRATOR does not have control and does not take any responsibility for the content, politics or practices of any website. By using the Koson-battle service, you explicitly absolve the ADMINISTRATOR of any responsibility which might result after your use of another website. Therefore, we recommend that you read the terms and conditions for each website that you might visit when leaving our website.
1.2 The ADMINISTRATOR reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions each time he considers necessary. All users will be notified regarding the changes.


2. The Koson Battle Services
2.1 Koson Battle is a website for adult persons who have turned the legal age of 18. The access of underage persons is strictly forbidden.
2.2 Koson Battle is provided only to the users who have opened a customer account using the interface provided by the service. Its use becomes available from the moment when the ADMINISTARTOR has opened an account for the user.

2.3 The game’s features can be modified at any time by the ADMINISTRATOR and any time the ADMINISTRATOR thinks it’s necessary, without prior notice and without providing a specific reason.

2.4 Since the service is permanently modified and the game rules change, the user has the right to use Koson-battle only in the current version.
2.5 The user does not have the right to ask the ADMINISTRATOR for changes of the Koson-battle service or technical support.

2.6 The ADMINISTARTOR reserves the right to temporary or final suspend the Koson-battle service without prior notice and without providing a specific reason. In this case the user CANNOT claim damages.

2.7 The ADMINISTRATOR does not take any responsibility for the general losses of bad functioning or interruption of the Koson-battle service.
3. The user’s obligations
3.1.1 A user CANNOT hold more accounts within the service. Only one account per user is allowed. The violation of this condition will automatically result in all the accounts owned by the user. The identification of multiple accounts of one user is made by the ADMINISTRATOR through his own methods.
3.1.2 The user must ensure that the password chosen to log on the personal account is known only by him/her. The reveal of other persons’ password is forbidden. The user is the only one responsible for damages made in case of loss of password.

3.1.3 In Koson Battle Service, the ADMINISTRATOR places a communication way between users. The user is the only one responsible for the content he uses within the communication.

3.1.4 The user is authorized to use the Koson Battle service only byway of a web-browser program. Any use of a script or another IT program to access the Koson-battle service is strictly forbidden. The violation of this condition will automatically result in closing the use’s account.
3.1.5 The use of errors inside the Koson Battle service for personal advantages of the user is forbidden. The user must notify the ADMINISTRATOR regarding any breakdown or error within the service.
3.1.6 The use of Koson Battle service for commercial use is forbidden, it is allowed only for personal use.
3.1.7 The user does not have the right to copy or distribute any part of the Koson Battle service without the written consent of the ADMINISTRATOR.
3.1.8 To access certain elements of the Koson Battle service, the user must create an account. The user cannot use the account of another person. To create the account, the user must offer complete and factual information. The user is the sole responsible for the activity which takes place within the account and for the security of the password. You must immediately notify the ADMINISTRATOR in case the security of your account has been compromised or the account is accessed by a person who is unauthorized. Even if the ADMINISTRATOR is not responsible for the damages caused by the authorized use of the account, the user could be responsible for the damages caused to the service or to other users by the unauthorized use.
3.1.9 The user does not have the right to use any automatic system which accesses the website in a way that it sends more request messages to the Koson Battle service in a period of time.

3.2 By talking to the ADMINISTRATOR, by written messages or forum, the user has the obligation of using a decent language, not meant to undermine the ADMINISTRATOR’S authority or to use strong language with the team which administrates the Koson Battle service.

3.2.1The user admits that he does not consider the pornographic content as being offending, and in the community where he lives, the explicit sexual images or pornography are legal.
3.2.2 The user declares under his own responsibility that he has legally turned the age of 18.
4. The rights of the intellectual property
The content of the Koson Battle service is offered to the user only with an informational purpose and for personal use, and cannot be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, exposed, sold, licensed with other purpose and without the prior written consent of the holder of the ownership rights. The ADMINISTRATOR reserves all rights for this website and for its content. The user agrees not to copy or distribute materials which are posted to third party, for commercial interest. Is the user downloads and prints a copy of the content for personal use, he must have all the copyrights or the approval of the owners of the content. The user also agrees not to affect or interfere in any way with the security elements of the website, with the elements which prevent or restrict the use, the copy of content or elements which attest the using limits of the website or its content.
5. Content posted by the user
5.1 The Koson Battle service allows the user to post video clips, photos or other materials. It also allows webhosting, sharing and / or publishing the posted materials. It is understood that, no matter if the posted materials are published or not, the ADMINISTRATOR does not guarantee the confidentiality of the materials.

5.2 The user is the only one responsible for the materials that he posts and the consequence of posting or their publication. When the user posts materials, statements, he sustains and guarantees that:

5.2.1 He owns or has obtained the license, the rights, the consent or the approval to include, use and distribute materials on the website and on any media channel; at the same time, he authorizes the administrator to use all the patents, trademarks, copyrights or any other ownership rights, all these being incorporated or in relation to the posted materials, with the purpose of including, using under any form, processing and distributing materials on the website and on any media channels, according to the provisions of this Terms and conditions of use.
5.2.2 He has the written consent and / or the approval of each person identifiable in the materials posted on the website to appear on the website and on any media channels, in the conditions and limits provisioned in these terms and conditions of use, i.e. he has all the copyrights for the material that he posts.
5.2.3 By posting the material on the website, the user grants the ADMINISTRATOR a license (that is assigning the patrimonial copyrights, according to the applicable law) un-exclusively, with free title, irrevocable, unlimited in time and territory by which to send to the administrator all the copyrights for the posted material, including the use, processing, the transformation, the distribution, the rent, the lease, the public communication, the broadcasting by cable, promoting or redistributing certain parts of the material under any media format and byway of any media channel, as well as making the derivate materials.
5.3 The user agrees not to post materials which are protected by the copyrights, or other ownership rights of a third party, including the right to privacy and advertising, unless he is the owner of these materials or has the owner’s consent or of the full copyright law to post that material and to grant the license to the administrator.
5.4 The user agrees not to post elements which might damage the Koso Battle service or to a third party.
5.5 The user agrees to mark as inadequate for persons less than 18 years the files considered inadequate to be viewed by underage persons.
5.6 The user agrees not to post advertising materials or commercial collaboration requests not requested or unauthorized by the administrator.

5.7 The user knows that during the use of the website he exposes himself to the materials posted from a variety of sources and that the administrator is not responsible for the accuracy, utility, safety of the materials of the level in which they comply with the ownership rights. Also, the user knows that he exposes himself to materials which can be offensive, not decent, repulsive and agrees to give up all the legal rights or compensations which he might claim from the owners / operators, affiliates and / or license holders with full immunity as allowed by the law regarding all legal aspects of the website use.

6. Warranty statement
6.1 The user agrees that by using the Koson Battle service to take ALL THE RISKS. THE ADMINISTARTOR DOES NOT offer any warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or how complete the content of the Koson Battle service is, or the content of other websites related to Koson Battle and does not take any responsibility for:
6.1.1 Any errors, mistakes or lack of accuracy of content
6.1.2 Bodily harm or property damage, of any nature, resulted following the access of the user to Koson Battle service.
6.1.3 Any unauthorized access or use of the Koson Battle secured servers and / or any degradation / loss of financial / personal data stored in them.
6.1.4 Any interruption of stopping of the transmissions from or to the online service Koson Battle.
6.1.5 Any errors, viruses, Trojan horses or the types which can be sent to or through the Koson Battle service by a third party and / or any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind as a result of the use of any posted content, sent by email, or in any other way which is made available through the online service Koson Battle.
6.2 THE ADMINISTRATOR does not guarantee and does not take any responsibility for any product or service which is published or offered by a third party through the Koson Battle service or any website with hyperlink or which appeared on any banner of other means of advertising, and the ADMINISTRATOR will not be part of any or in any other way responsible for monitoring the transactions between the user and any third party which offers products or services. Regarding the buying of any product or service, in any way, the user should use his better judgment and to exercise it carefully when appropriate.

7.The website is controlled and offered by the ADMINISTRATOR with the Republic of Seychelles facilities. The administrator does not assert that the Koson Battle service is suitable or available for use in other locations. Those who access or use the Koson Battle service from other jurisdictions, are responsible in terms of the local law. In case of breach of the warranties mentioned at point 6 above, the user will integrally compensate the administrator for any and for all actions, claims, requests, direct costs, fees, procedures and expenses, finally established by an order / decision of the court which is the responsibility of the administrator, which results in or relating to or supported due to the breach or the supposedly breached rights if the administrator uses any information or materials posted regarding these terms and conditions of use.

8. Virtual currency

8.1 The user has the right to use virtual currencies of the service, “VIRTUAL EURO” and VIRTUAL GOLD, hereinafter referred to as virtual currencies. The only owner of the virtual currencies is the ADMINISTRATOR.

8.2 The currency VIRTUAL EURO is available for buying and distribution and is available for the user. By buying VIRTUAL EUROS or any other virtual goods, the user DOES NOT gain the ownership right for them, he only has a temporary right to use it. The owner of all virtual goods from the Koson Battle service is the ADMINISTRATOR.
8.3 The user can ask to transform the currency VIRTUAL EURO available at a certain moment in time in his personal account in real money. The request is analyzed by the administrator who is the only one capable or approving or rejecting it.
8.4 The administrator reserves the right to reject any request coming from the user by which he wants to exchange the currency VIRTUAL EURO in money. The administrator is not obliged to provide a specific reason for this decision.
8.7 The administrator has the right to modify, withdraw, suspend or control the virtual currencies within the Koson Battle service and the method of use anytime he wants to do so, and the user agreed that the administrator does not take any responsibility whatsoever for modifying, withdrawing, suspending or controlling the virtual currencies. In case a situation as above appears, the administrator is not obliged to notify the user or to provide explanations.
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